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Sunday, April 26, 2015


Pandaren were added during the Mist of Pandaria expansion. The Pandaren race is a race of martial arts, and very in tune with nature. The Pandaren racial abilities are faction-neutral meaning able to join any faction, epicurean which gives them double the stats from well fed, gourmand making them a better cook, inner peace being rested lasts twice as long, bouncy take less damage when falling, and quacking palm which makes the target unable to do anything for four seconds. The Pandaren racial mount is a turtle. The Pandaren spawn is a island with amazing forests. While in the story line it is learned that the island is actually just a giant turtle. The Pandaren have spirits all around for fire, earth, and water. Pandarens are mostly farmers, and their land is being over run with virmen.

This is the giant turtle in which the Pandaren live on.
This is a picture of how Pandaren train it is basically sparing.
The island where the Pandarens spawn on the scenery with temples similar to China.

This is the fire spirit Huo in his temple.

The water spirit Shu who likes to play games with the Pandaren.
Sparing on a pole to train with other Pandarens.
A farm with vermin stealing the crops.

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