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Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Draenei is a race released during the burning crusade. Draenei is part of the alliance faction. Draenei spawn is a forest with crystals in it which is also in their buildings. Draenei racial abilities are gift of the Naaru a healing ability, shadow resistance resistant to shadow magic, heroic presence giving a slight bonus to their main stat, and gem cutting giving them a bonus to jewel crafting. Draenei racial mount is a elekk which looks similar to an elephant. Draenei are fighting against nature. The Draenei looks like they were forced to move into this area, or they got attacked because the building count is low and the first building found is broken.
This is how the Draenei buildings look like topped off with crystals.

 Wildlife in the area consist of mutations, huge moths, and plants.
 This shows the crystals in the ground, and shows the main sceneries in the area the flowered part, grassy plains, and a forest.
A Draenei that is injured and needs to be healed which can be done by gift of the Naaru
This is a Moonkin camp which the Moonkin are like a bear with feathers and a bird beak.

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