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Friday, May 1, 2015


Human is one of the 6 first races in the first World of Warcraft. Humans are part of the alliance faction, and have a major hatred with the Orcs. Humans buildings are chiefly made of stone. Human spawn in a forest. Human racial abilities are every man for himself which can get rid of a speed altering or trapping effect, diplomacy which allows Humans to gain other races trust with ease, and Human spirit giving them a bonus in their spirit. Human racial mount is a horse. In the spawn Humans fight Orcs this is because Orcs destroy a farm and are spying on the Humans. The main dispute with the factions boil down to these two races pure hatred for the other.
 A Human cathedral at the spawn area.
 The farm that was over run by Orcs.
 Putting out the fires made by the Orcs.
 A waterfall in the Human spawn area.
 Fighting a Orc leader which is part of a quest.

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