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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blood Elf

Blood Elf is a race released during the Burning Crusade expansion. Blood Elves belong to the horde faction. The starting place is full of magic in a forest that has yellow-orange trees. Blood Elf's abilities are arcane acuity giving them a bonus to critical strikes, arcane torrent silences enemies, arcane affinity giving them a bonus to enchanting, magic resistance resists magic spells. Blood Elf's racial mounts is hawkstriders. In the starting place their is brooms sweeping with no one there, monsters made out of light, and buildings hanging in mid air.
 A crystal floating off the ground and some scenery of the starting zone.

 Blood Elf building complete with floating parts.
A tree in the forest where Blood Elves spawn.
 Book for one of the quest and mana wyrms which are a common creature found with the Blood Elves.

 Floating brooms and creatures made of light.
The boss in the Blood Elf spawn and a green light monster which are stronger than the white ones.

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