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Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Taurens looks like a cross between cow and human. Tauren are part of the horde faction. Taurens live in mostly plains with few mountains. A series of mountains hold one of their major cities Thunder Bluff. Most Tauren buildings are made of wood. Tauren racial abilities are war stomp stunning in enemies in a small range, nature resistance giving Tauren resistance to nature magic, endurance giving a bones to base health, cultivation granting bonus to herbalism and collect herbs slightly faster, and brawn gain bonus to critical strikes. Tauren are the biggest race in playable races of World of Warcraft. Tauren also have the biggest racial mount the Kodo which is similar to rhinos. Taurens are so huge that they really need the Kodo or they would not have any mounts for at least a long time. Tauren buildings typically are little huts or similar to a log cabin.
 A example of the Tauren totems and buildings.
 The Tauren plains.
 A Tauren and a defense mechanism implemented by the Tauren(spiky wood).
 Part of the land with thorns where pig humanoids are walking and call home.
 The Kodo which is the Tauren mount.
Buildings made by the pig humanoids.
Little silly video of the Taurens and Kodos.

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