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Friday, May 8, 2015


Trolls are a very shamanistic type people that are placed on islands with a forestry environment. Trolls are part of the horde faction. Troll racial abilities are berserking increasing attack and casting speed for a short time, da voodoo shuffle Trolls are less affected by movement impairing effects, regeneration replenishes Troll's health at any time, throwing weapon and bow specialization receive bonus when using their favored weapons, and beast slaying giving more experience from killing beasts. Troll racial mount is a raptor. Troll buildings are typically made of wood. In the Troll spawn they are preparing to fight using practice dummies with tiki masks on them. Trolls are fighting the Naga to protect their home land.
The Troll spawn complete with drums, skulls, and a bonfire.
 A Troll boat and another island.
 A target for training with a tiki mask.
 A Troll fighting a Naga similar to a sea serpent.
 Inside a Troll hut made of wood and straw.
 Killing crabs for food.
 A bridge made by the Trolls.
 Raptors on an island.
 Riding a raptor which is similar to the actual mount.
 Defacing Naga flags in their base and killing Nagas.
 Vol'jin who is the leader of the Trolls.
Fighting a Naga ghost who is also a boss.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Dwarves are small people who are obsessed with food and beer. Dwarves are part of the alliance faction. Dwarf racial abilities are stoneform turning them into stone neutralizing any poisons, diseases, bleeding wounds, and adds extra armor, frost resistance resistant to frost magic, explorer granting bonus in archaeology and allows Dwarves to survey slightly faster, and might of the mountain gaining a bonus to critical strikes. Dwarf racial mount is a ram. Dwarves live in the mountains which is normally very cold with snow all over. Dwarves have many cities inside mountains with the biggest being Ironforge. Dwarves have lots of food and beer, so they drink and eat almost constantly. Dwarven buildings are made mainly of metal, and they have forges where people are making metals.
A Dwarven city in the mountains.
 Fighting off the invaders.
 Fighting another invader which is a higher level and stronger.
 The entrance to the Dwarven city.
 The forge where metals are created also a location bringing lots of light into the room.
 A table made by the Dwarves which contains lots of food.
 Keg with beer.
 Another keg with beer.
Up in the mountains how the trees look like and the hills which are sometimes climbable.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Taurens looks like a cross between cow and human. Tauren are part of the horde faction. Taurens live in mostly plains with few mountains. A series of mountains hold one of their major cities Thunder Bluff. Most Tauren buildings are made of wood. Tauren racial abilities are war stomp stunning in enemies in a small range, nature resistance giving Tauren resistance to nature magic, endurance giving a bones to base health, cultivation granting bonus to herbalism and collect herbs slightly faster, and brawn gain bonus to critical strikes. Tauren are the biggest race in playable races of World of Warcraft. Tauren also have the biggest racial mount the Kodo which is similar to rhinos. Taurens are so huge that they really need the Kodo or they would not have any mounts for at least a long time. Tauren buildings typically are little huts or similar to a log cabin.
 A example of the Tauren totems and buildings.
 The Tauren plains.
 A Tauren and a defense mechanism implemented by the Tauren(spiky wood).
 Part of the land with thorns where pig humanoids are walking and call home.
 The Kodo which is the Tauren mount.
Buildings made by the pig humanoids.
Little silly video of the Taurens and Kodos.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Gnomes are engineers and builders. Gnomes are part of the alliance faction. Gnome racial abilities are escape artist allowing them to get out of a trap, arcane resistance being resistant to arcane magic, expansive mind giving a slight bonus to that mana pool, engineer specialization skill bonus in engineering profession, and nimble fingers making Gnomes quick. Gnome racial mount is a mechanostrider which is a ostrich made of metal. Gnomes spawn in an unsafe area with lots of radiation. The radiation led to some of the gnomes turning into Leper Gnomes. Gnomes are very handy with tinkering. Gnomes spawn outside of the radiated area is in the mountains. The Gnomes spawn in a complete accident within a very hectic environment especially with machines not working properly and sometimes picking up Gnomes or Leper Gnomes.

 Gnomes that came to help the people inside of the unsafe zone.
A picture of the Leper Gnomes who were exposed to lots of radiation.
 First part of the cleaning process of radiation.
 Second step for cleaning.
 Third step for cleaning.
 Fourth and final step to cleaning.
 Picture of the Gnome area with some of their inventions.
 Mechanostrrider which is the Gnome's mount.
 Trying to contain radiation and clean it up with a machine.
 Gnomeish gears which is commonly seen in their buildings.

Monday, May 4, 2015


Undead is a race of dead humans that have been brought back to life. Undead is part of the horde faction. Undead racial abilities are will of the forsaken which allows them to take off any charm, fear, and sleep effects, shadow resistance the Undead are resistant to shadow magic, cannibalize eat corpses to regenerate health, underwater breathing can hold breath underwater for longer periods of time, and touch of the grave sometimes they can drain life from the enemies. Undead racial mount is a skeletal horse. The Undead spawn in a dark woods, and it is a very spooky place. Undead are one of the spooky races, and have parts missing on there character. Undead characters are mostly not whole which makes them unique since they are the only ones to have this feature.
 Being reborn as an Undead which is literally first scene into the Undead world.
 An Undead helper for the quests and opening to a cave underground.
 Potions and inside the cave in previous picture.
 Another Undead next to a grave talking to him for part of the quest.
 How an Undead building looks like.
 Undead light and Undead cathedral similar to Humans but very beat up.
 Monsters that are similar to the Undead that players need to fight.
 The Undead helper carrying corpses to be the creation of other Undead.
 Inside the cathedral with most of the class trainers.
 A Undead forest with spiders.
 A mine overpopulated with spiders inside it.
Fighting an Undead boss.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Night Elf

Night Elves are found in the forest with magic practices. Night Elves are part of the Alliance faction. Night Elves respect trees and even live inside of them. Night Elf racial abilities are shadowmeld which allows them to go into the shadows making them invisible, wisp spirit when one dies they turn into a wisp that is faster then the other spirits, natural resistance giving a resistance to Nature magic, quickness giving a chance to avoid being hit by a melee or ranged attack, and touch of Elune giving different benefits for night time and day time. Night Elf racial mount is a nightsaber which is a saber-tooth cat. Night Elves are very in touch with nature. The Night Elf race is seen as the "tree hugging" race of World of Warcraft because their background has so much to do with the land that they refuse to try to harm it.
 Nightsabers  which are cats being found all over any area with lots of Night Elves and other Night Elves.
 Inside a tree that the Night Elves made as a building.
 What the mount looks like and scenery picture.
 Picking flowers for a quest which is one thing Night Elves are known for.
 Attacking spiders with an ally similar to a centaur.
 A Night Elf shrine with the spirit of a Night Elf.
 High up in a tree with buildings made by Night Elves.
 Falling from that spot in last picture.
How a Night Elf building looks like.