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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blood Elf

Blood Elf is a race released during the Burning Crusade expansion. Blood Elves belong to the horde faction. The starting place is full of magic in a forest that has yellow-orange trees. Blood Elf's abilities are arcane acuity giving them a bonus to critical strikes, arcane torrent silences enemies, arcane affinity giving them a bonus to enchanting, magic resistance resists magic spells. Blood Elf's racial mounts is hawkstriders. In the starting place their is brooms sweeping with no one there, monsters made out of light, and buildings hanging in mid air.
 A crystal floating off the ground and some scenery of the starting zone.

 Blood Elf building complete with floating parts.
A tree in the forest where Blood Elves spawn.
 Book for one of the quest and mana wyrms which are a common creature found with the Blood Elves.

 Floating brooms and creatures made of light.
The boss in the Blood Elf spawn and a green light monster which are stronger than the white ones.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Draenei is a race released during the burning crusade. Draenei is part of the alliance faction. Draenei spawn is a forest with crystals in it which is also in their buildings. Draenei racial abilities are gift of the Naaru a healing ability, shadow resistance resistant to shadow magic, heroic presence giving a slight bonus to their main stat, and gem cutting giving them a bonus to jewel crafting. Draenei racial mount is a elekk which looks similar to an elephant. Draenei are fighting against nature. The Draenei looks like they were forced to move into this area, or they got attacked because the building count is low and the first building found is broken.
This is how the Draenei buildings look like topped off with crystals.

 Wildlife in the area consist of mutations, huge moths, and plants.
 This shows the crystals in the ground, and shows the main sceneries in the area the flowered part, grassy plains, and a forest.
A Draenei that is injured and needs to be healed which can be done by gift of the Naaru
This is a Moonkin camp which the Moonkin are like a bear with feathers and a bird beak.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Goblins were released during the cataclysm. Goblins are part of the horde faction. Goblins are basically builders. The spawn is in a city with a run-down sort of feel. Goblins were made to be the Gnomes of the alliance the small creatures that create everything for their faction. The Goblin racial abilities are rocket jump allowing the player to move over a short distance, rocket barrage which deals damage to the enemy, pack hobgoblin allowing the Goblins to access the bank from anywhere, best deals anywhere they receive a discount from the vendors, time is money giving the goblins more haste, and better living through chemistry making Goblins have a bonus in alchemy. Goblin's racial mount is trike which is basically a motorcycle. Goblins are really into pyrotechnics which is used in many of their machines such as a rocket, the trike, and their signs.
 This is the spawn area for the Goblins.
 The mine in which one of the first quests is in.
 This is a picture of the Goblin trike.
 A Goblin game in which the player goes into a shredder and throws balls at other shredders to kill them.
 This is a picture of a Goblin building, and it shows the run down feel with all the litter located in the bottom right corner.
 This is a Goblin party in which the player has to please the party members up until the pirates show up to take over, then the player has to fight them to get them out.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Worgen is a race introduced during the Cataclysm expansion. Worgen is a race only in the alliance faction mainly because they are werewolves and start of as a human. In the Worgen storyline humans are trying to kill the Worgen, but it all goes bad when the player goes into a cellar. The guy in the cellar turns into a Worgen and bites the player. The transformation does not happen till a bit later, but when it does the player ends up in a stockade to get out only if they help the Humans. The Worgen spawn place is a dark town complete covered with humans and Worgens coastally fighting each other. The Worgen racial abilities are running wild allowing the Worgen goes all four hands and feet to run which is their mount, two forms allows the Worgen to freely shift from Human to Worgen; however, Worgen can not fight in the human form, aberration makes any curses and disease affect them for less time, darkflight is a ability that makes the Worgen run faster for a short amount of time, flayer allows Worgen to skin faster, and viciousness they fight with ferocity and gain a bonus to critical strikes. The Worgen story line is going around the country trying to kill all the Worgens.
The initial Human form fighting against Worgens which are seen as the villains in this story. 
 Waking up in the stockade when the player becomes a official Worgen, and have to say that they wont kill a Human to get released.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

This is a video to give an introduction to each faction of World of Warcraft.


Pandaren were added during the Mist of Pandaria expansion. The Pandaren race is a race of martial arts, and very in tune with nature. The Pandaren racial abilities are faction-neutral meaning able to join any faction, epicurean which gives them double the stats from well fed, gourmand making them a better cook, inner peace being rested lasts twice as long, bouncy take less damage when falling, and quacking palm which makes the target unable to do anything for four seconds. The Pandaren racial mount is a turtle. The Pandaren spawn is a island with amazing forests. While in the story line it is learned that the island is actually just a giant turtle. The Pandaren have spirits all around for fire, earth, and water. Pandarens are mostly farmers, and their land is being over run with virmen.

This is the giant turtle in which the Pandaren live on.
This is a picture of how Pandaren train it is basically sparing.
The island where the Pandarens spawn on the scenery with temples similar to China.

This is the fire spirit Huo in his temple.

The water spirit Shu who likes to play games with the Pandaren.
Sparing on a pole to train with other Pandarens.
A farm with vermin stealing the crops.

Link to races abilities
This is the World of Warcraft official site which is run by the Blizzard gaming company.

Saturday, April 25, 2015



This blog is made to help new players of World of Warcraft to learn all about the races that can be chosen. The two factions that are playable are the Horde and the Alliance. Each side has their own side to the story and have a completely different story line. Horde may be perceived as the bad guys but really the game makes it so there is no bad guys. When deciding on creating a character it is important to make sure the character looks appealing to the player, or game play will be dreadful to the player. Each race has their own special abilities making them unique. This blog will give the basics of each race, their starting zone, and racial abilities.

Alliance                                                                                          Horde